
An image made up of integer components.ClassIds.

Each pixel corresponds to a components.ClassId that will be mapped to a color based on annotation context.

In the case of floating point images, the label will be looked up based on rounding to the nearest integer value.

See also archetypes.AnnotationContext to associate each class with a color and a label.

Components components

Required: Blob, Resolution2D, ChannelDatatype

Optional: Opacity, DrawOrder

Shown in shown-in

Example example

Simple segmentation image simple-segmentation-image

"""Create and log a segmentation image."""

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

# Create a segmentation image
image = np.zeros((8, 12), dtype=np.uint8)
image[0:4, 0:6] = 1
image[4:8, 6:12] = 2

rr.init("rerun_example_segmentation_image", spawn=True)

# Assign a label and color to each class
rr.log("/", rr.AnnotationContext([(1, "red", (255, 0, 0)), (2, "green", (0, 255, 0))]), static=True)

rr.log("image", rr.SegmentationImage(image))