The viewport is a flexible area where you can arrange your Space Views: You can grab the title of any Space View to dock it to different parts of the viewport or to form tabs.
View controls view-controls

Clicking on the title of a Space View has the same effect as selecting it in the Blueprint view and will show additional information & settings in the Selection view or other means.
For more information on how to navigate a specific Space View, hover its help icon at the top right corner.
The maximize button makes a single Space View fill the entire viewport. Only one Space view can be maximized at a time.
Space View Classes space-view-classes
Rerun distinguishes various Space Views classes:
- 2D
- General 2D content like images, lines, points, boxes, etc.
- 3D
- 3D scene with cameras, meshes, points, lines etc.
- Tensor
- Tensor view with support for arbitrary dimensionality.
- Text log
- Text over time.
- Text Document
- Shows a single markdown or raw text document.
- Time series plot
- Scalars over time.
- Bar chart
- Bar-chart lots made from 1D tensor data.
Which class is used is determined upon creation of a Space View.
The Space View class determines which Entities it can display, how it displays them and the way they can be interacted with. To learn more about the internals of how Space View classes work, check the guide on Viewer extensions.